SAAS Email marketing

Reasons to Consider SaaS Email Marketing

Ashley 2 years ago

Many businesses have traditionally used email as their primary means of communication with their customers. In addition, a sizeable number of companies say that emails are one of the most effective tools in their digital marketing strategy. This explains why the majority of businesses rely on email marketing.

If you’re in the software business, you need to consider SaaS email marketing because it has been proven to be one of the best marketing strategies. This article looks at SaaS email marketing and its benefits to your software business.

Understanding SaaS email marketing

When we talk about email marketing among SaaS companies, we refer to sending personalized emails to those on your contact list, which will probably contain details of your potential leads. The emails can have several goals, such as building a community of loyal customers of your brand, passing important information to them, and growing sales. They’re mainly aimed at segmentation, customization, and consent.

Although SaaS email marketing may seem time-consuming, it is not. The good thing about emails is that they offer an impressive return on investment—over 40% return on every dollar invested—making them one of the best marketing digital marketing strategies, which any serious software business cannot ignore.

Benefits of SaaS email marketing

Below are some of the reasons you need to consider email marketing for your SaaS business:

It allows targeting specific customer segments

One of the best things about SaaS email marketing, and email marketing in general, is that it can enable a business to target specific customer segments with a high degree of precision. How can you segment your email marketing for your software company? Well, you need to divide your contact list into smaller categories according to some criteria, such as:

  •   Firmographics, including the industry the business operates in, company size, etc.
  •   Geographical location
  •   Purchase history
  •   Preferences and history
  •   Demographics – include gender, age, etc.

After dividing the contact list into smaller groups or segments, you can send tailored emails to each segment. For instance, you may have a product for US SaaS companies, so you will only send them an email about the product, or special features in your software are available for US companies. Fortunately, you don’t have to struggle with your SaaS email marketing; you can engage experts like Rocket SaaS.

SaaS email marketing facilitates engagement with all customers

Another great benefit of email marketing for your software business is enabling the company to engage both existing and potential customers. This is especially in cases where your typical calls-to-action (CTAs) may have become less effective for your customers. To take care of this, you can change the CTAs positioning in the email or start a serious brand awareness campaign.

Some of the ways you can use email marketing for your SaaS company include:

  •   When a customer has clicked on the CTA but later abandoned their cart before checking out, you can email them a proactive follow-up message to remind them about the cart.
  •   When customers have not completed their purchase process due to any kind of problem, you can send them emails to help them complete their buying journey.
  •   When new or potential customers join your email list or subscribe to your newsletter, you can email them to make them understand how your brand differs from the others and how your product will address their needs.

It works perfectly with content marketing

Content marketing, which involves creating and disseminating high-value content to attract and keep customers, synergizes well with email marketing. SaaS companies can use content marketing for lead generation and to build an email list.

You can use email marketing in your SaaS business to promote your latest content, for example, new blog posts, videos, and other material. In addition, email marketing can come in handy to share exclusive content with customers.

You can, for instance, use email to send customers content they can’t find elsewhere, such as an e-book, a whitepaper, a video course, etc. This way, you can nurture a better relationship with your customers as you also market your SaaS business.

SaaS email marketing is a cost-effective tool

Software businesses struggling with small budgets can capitalize on SaaS email marketing to get the word out about their offerings. This strategy has worked wonders for small companies and start-ups. They cut costs and grew their conversion rates through well-written marketing emails.


SaaS email marketing is crucial tool businesses can use to achieve their goals. The strategy allows software providers to target their specific customers, facilitates engagement with existing and potential clients, supplements content marketing, and is a cost-effective marketing tool.

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