
What Is Bluestacks and Is It Safe?

Ashley 4 years ago

People usually use both smartphones and computers almost all the time. And though they might use the two devices for various reasons, did you know that you can run most of your mobile apps on a PC? Yes, that’s correct! Introducing Bluestacks. It is one of the most famous Android emulators in the market today that will let you use nearly any Android app on your PC or Mac. However, before you get all excited, it is important for you to know how safe Bluestacks is. If you want to be more secure, you can go for Cox cable services to ensure a safer Bluestacks experience. And this article is going to help you figure that out. So, read on!

The Question of Safety

Is Bluestacks safe? If you are having this question in mind right now then you are not alone! In fact, a lot of people wonder about the same thing. And rightfully so. After all, you do not want to harm your PC or Mac by having a troublesome emulator installed. To answer the question: yes, Bluestacks is safe! The app is 100% safe to download. How can this be said with surety? Well, Bluestacks is a legitimate company that has partnered with some of the industry’s biggest names like Samsung, Intel, and AMD. Also, Bluestacks holds a strong reputation. It is widely considered the best way to run your Android apps on the computer. However, you have to make sure that you download Bluestacks from its authentic website.

Be Mindful When Downloading Apps

Although Bluestacks is safe to download, there is no guarantee when it comes to downloading other apps from Google Play Store. But what does Google Play Store have to do with all this? Well, it is the place where you will be downloading applications for Android. You have to know that when getting apps from the Play Store, it will carry some risks. It might be surprising, but cybersecurity experts continuously mark out suspicious apps on the Play Store for the users.  This is because those apps either contained malware, stole your personal information, or charged you money for products that do not exist.  

A cybersecurity researcher from ProPrivacy Attila Tomaschek has advised users to be careful. He has stated that even Bluestacks is safe to download, there are chances that the apps you get from Play Store can contain harmful viruses. But the good thing is that Bluestacks can save you from most of these apps. How? Well, each and every app is run inside of an “App Container”. This means that the app will not be able to interact with the system. Also, this emulated system runs inside of a secure OS virtualization container which protects the user even further.

Tomaschek also recommends that even though Bluestacks is trustworthy, you should place a limit on the amount of personal information that you share on the internet. In addition, he suggests never to click on the links that may seem shady to you. Plus, do your proper research prior to downloading an app to know if it is safe or not.

How You Share Your Data with Bluestacks

It is important for you to know that every app you download gets some access to the information stored on your device. And Bluestacks is no exception. This emulated system gets the data in two ways. Let’s find out how!

First is that when you proceed to download Bluestacks, you must log in to your Google account. And when you do that, the company will record all the information available on your Google account. This includes your email address, name, and any public information such as gender, display image, and phone number.  

Now comes the second way after you have downloaded the emulated system. Bluestacks will gather some data that is on your computer. According to Tomaschek, it will gather information regarding which OS you are using along with the hardware and other unique device identifiers. And once you start using the system, it will obtain data related to your devices like its IP address, system configuration data, location preferences, Android app metadata, and much more. 

You Shouldn’t Worry!

Even the information Bluestacks is gathering seems personal but you shouldn’t worry. This is because a spokesperson of the company has said that they do collect such data just to make the user experience better. Moreover, the data helps the company to optimize the app so that it may function on various computers without any hassles. Furthermore, the individual has said that the information is not stored in the cloud. This means that it is just the company that can gain access to your data. Also, to give you some relief, the company will not have access to your private documents or files.

One Security Incident

Bluestacks is very careful with your data and protects it flawlessly. However, in 2019, Nick Cano, a security researcher discovered a major flaw in the program and altered the company about it. The flaw could have easily been exploited by a hacker who could have stolen a user’s personal information. Luckily, the company was able to resolve the issue in no time, saving itself and millions of users from all around the world from a loss. Since this incident, there hasn’t been any notable issue. This is because they now actively keep track of updates and offer patches frequently in order to maintain the world-class security of the system.


If you are looking to use Android apps on your Mac or PC, then Bluestacks is the best option for you! This is because it is safe and comes from a legit source. In addition, they frequently update the system in order to protect their users from cybercriminals. However, you should always do your homework before you download anything from Play Store. This is because there are many malicious apps there that can steal your private data.


Is Bluestacks trusted?

Yes, Bluestacks is trusted as it is produced and developed by a major company. Moreover, it has partnered with some of the industry’s biggest names like Samsung, and Intel.

Can you get a virus from Bluestacks?

No, if you download Bluestacks from its authentic website, you will not get any type of virus. It is safe to download.

Will Bluestacks get you banned?

No! Using Bluestacks is not a crime. It is a useful software that will help you use your Android apps on the computer.

Is NOX better than Bluestacks?

When it comes to performance, Bluestacks is better than NOX. And if you download the latest version of the system, then its performance will become nearly unbearable.

Is Bluestacks free or paid?

You can use the system’s basic features for free. However, if you want to use the advanced options, then you will be required to sign up for a paid monthly subscription.

What are the disadvantages of Bluestacks?

There are a couple of disadvantages of Bluestacks. The first is that if you are playing a multiplayer game then may experience some lag. The second is that will have to use a graphics card in order to get your desired results.

What is the cost of Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is free to use but if you want to use additional features, then you will be required to sign up for their subscription plan. You will be able to find the detailed pricing of the deals on their official website.

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