3DS Capture Card – How to Record 3ds Gameplay

3DS Capture Card – How to Record 3ds Gameplay

Ashley 6 years ago

The Nintendo 3DS has some beautiful games, and it is probably among one of the best gaming devices launched in recent years. To record and stream gameplays 3DS Capture card is available in the marketplace. Every gamer wants to become a superstar and increase its fan following by playing video games. If you are a Competitive gamer, then your one of the main priority should be streaming video games.

There are a lot of popular streaming platforms like youtube, Twitch, and Facebook. To start streaming or recording matches onto your 3DS is not quite simple like it is on PC. Fortunately, you can easily find a 3DS capture card to record or stream your 3DS Gameplay. We are going to explain about 3DS Capture Card. Its benefits and how to use it.

What is the 3DS capture card?

3DS capture card

Capture card allows video recording and uploading on your PC. There are a bunch of game Capture cards available in the market. For different devices like Playstation and Xbox, there are different capture cards. Not every game capture cards work on every device. For Nintendo, there is a special card known as 3DS Capture Card. It allows you to Stream your 3DS Gameplay on Youtube, Twitch and other online Streaming Platforms.

There was used to a company who manufacture 3DS Capture Cards it is known as Katsukity. Company is bankrupt now, and its business is gone. dont worry there are still many Sellers are available in the marketplace. Merki is a top distributor of 3DS Capture Card and Nintendo Switch. Now the question is how to record 3ds gameplays on Nintendo 3DS using Capture Card. We described Nintendo 3ds capture card complete step by step below.

How to Stream Gameplay by using 3DS Capture Card:

Step 1: Buy Nintendo 3DS Capture Card from the market or Merki. It will come along with mini USB port. If not, then send your 3DS back to the company. Professional will create a Mini USB port for you. Capture card comes along with USB cable. Connect your 3DS with PC.

Step 2: now install Nintendo 3DS Viewer Software. This Nintendo 3DS Viewer Software comes along with your Capture Card. Once you connect your 3DS with PC using USB Cable, you Can quickly start Streaming Gameplay.

Step 3: install online streaming Software in your PC. There are a lot of Streaming Softwares, but OBS (Open Broadcast Software) and Split are quite famous and best. Install one of these in your gaming pc. after installation you need to connect Streaming software with Nintendo 3DS viewer Software.

Step 4: once you install streaming software, then you need to add a source that record details. if you are installing Open broadcast software, then you will need to add it into Windows Capture Source. After adding it into windows capture source, you will be able to preview your gameplay recordings or streaming.

How to record 3DS Gameplay Without a capture card:

Step 1: Want to record Gameplay without a Capture card? Here is the method. Steps are straightforward. User needs a Smartphone to record gameplays. Adjust your Smartphone on Clamp to focus Gameplay by using Camera. Focus it accurately as possible for perfect 3DS recording.

Step 2: Start recording Gameplay by turning on Camera. Adjust angles properly for better result of recording. Make sure it covers the full screen, and Angle remains stable.

Step 3: Start playing the video game on your Nintendo 3DS and record 3ds gameplays The Smartphone will record your gameplay video. It will record both video and audio, but video capture quality will depend on your Camera and Smartphone quality. Make sure you use a better quality camera as possible for video capture. After completion of recording, you can now share it with friends, Upload on social media like facebook and twitter.

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